LASIK, SMILE, and PRK are the three most effective laser eye surgeries for patients who want to improve their eyesight. Which of these three vision correction methods is best for you, given that they are safe, efficient, and produce comparable results in enhancing your eyesight? SMILE is a more modern, advanced, and highly effective treatment compared to all the other Laser eye surgeries. We'll walk you through some of the most important distinctions and benefits between these three treatments so you can make an informed decision.

The Procedure:
LASIK (Laser-Assisted Stromal In-situ Keratomileusis) is the most common laser vision correction surgery. An excimer laser is used to reshape your cornea during a LASIK treatment by creating a tiny flap of corneal tissue that your surgeon subsequently folds back.
- Hyperopia
- Astigmatism
- Moderate to mild myopia treatment
Dry eyes, thin corneas, and other problems:
An acceptable corneal thickness is required for a good candidate for LASIK surgery since a corneal flap must be formed during the process. Patients with thin corneas may not be candidates for LASIK, but they may be a good fit for SMILE or PRK. Additionally, owing to the increased risk of postoperative dry eye with LASIK, those who already have dry eye before surgery may be better suited for SMILE or PRK rather than LASIK.
Healing and Recovering the Senses:
In most cases, LASIK patients can return to work, their daily routines, and drive the next day. Within a few days to a few weeks, your eyesight will begin to settle and improve.
Refractive Result:
In most cases, LASIK patients can go about their lives without the need of any optical aids.
The Procedure:
Surface ablation is used in PRK laser eye surgery. With PRK, the cornea's outer layer (epithelium) is excised and then reformed with an cold excimer laser to fix any irregularities in the cornea tissue layers.
Key differences between LASIK and PRK are that no flap is produced in PRK procedure. It is quick and easy, and only requires a brief stay in the hospital.
PRK can treat:
- Hyperopia
- Astigmatism
- Myopia treatment
Dry eyes, thin corneas, and other problems:
PRK is suitable for patients with thin corneas and minimizes the likelihood of post-surgery corneal thickness compromises. Some doctors may also recommend PRK for people who engage in contact sports or work in fields where an eye injury is possible. Flap-related issues can occur following a LASIK operation if a candidate's lifestyle includes frequent eye contact.
Healing and Recovering the Senses:
Out of the three laser eye surgery techniques, the recovery time for PRK is the longest. For the first week or so following a PRK procedure, patients should expect hazy vision. You should avoid driving or working for a week after having PRK on both eyes simultaneously. In addition, many PRK patients experience more visual discomfort during the healing phase than those who undergo LASIK or SMILE. To get the most excellent results from a PRK surgery, it may take several weeks to months for healing to occur on the epithelial surface.
Refractive Result:
PRK results are nearly equivalent to those of LASIK in refractive outcomes. After your eyes have recovered, you should be able to see clearly without using glasses or contacts.
The Procedure:
The FDA has approved a new laser vision repair technique called SMILE. SMILE procedures differ from LASIK and PRK because an excimer laser is not employed. An ultra-short laser pulse cuts a keyhole-sized incision into a patient's cornea, where the small piece of corneal tissue known as the "lenticule" is removed. This treatment is more advanced, and superior compared to all other treatments because of its precision, quick healing, and greater results.
Once it has been extracted, lenticule cryopreservation is done. By combining the advantages of LASIK with PRK, this procedure helps to reshape the cornea and improve eyesight. SMILE is just as fast as other laser eye surgery procedures. In most cases, patients should expect to be in the chair for between 20 and 30 minutes.
PRK can treat:
SMILE procedure can be use to correct mild to moderate myopia (short-sightedness) as well as astigmatism.
Dry eyes, thin corneas, and other problems:
It offers the advantage of providing an alternative for unsuitable LASIK candidates because of their thin corneas. No flap is generated during the SMILE process, which is one of the key differences between it and other procedures like LASIK. As a result, there is no danger of the flap folding or shifting throughout the surgery, and the eye will be more comfortable.
Patients at high risk of head or eye damage (such as boxers) may find that SMILE is a better option than LASIK due to the improved stability of the cornea. Candidates susceptible to the chronic dry eye may benefit more from the SMILE procedure, as studies have shown that fewer corneal nerves are damaged with this procedure than with a LASIK flap.
Healing and Recovering the Senses:
More than half a million people worldwide have done SMILE so far. SMILE's clinical trials have shown a rapid visual recovery with minimal post-operative pain.
Refractive Result:
SMILE yields outstanding refractive results, allowing patients to ditch their glasses and contact lenses for good. Studies reveal that the visual outcomes of the various refractive procedures are substantially equal. SMILE may have a lower recurrence rate than LASIK or PRK, according to some evidence. Most patients significantly improve their vision within the first few hours of SMILE eye surgery and achieve peak improvement within a few weeks.

Select the Best Option For Your Eyes
Ultimately, it is up to your eye surgeon to recommend the best for you. A complete eye exam and pre-operative consultation are necessary to identify which method best suits your individual needs and eye features. SMILE is a relatively modern treatment option and has far greater benefits than any other laser vision correction surgery. SMILE is minimally invasive and it’s a better alternative compared to LASIK. With this cutting-edge treatment option, you will get faster results, speedy recovery, and no dry eyes.